Saturday, June 14, 2008

One Month.

That's how long it's been since Momma took her final breath. One month today. Wow. In one breath, it feels like it just happened, because you know time has stopped since she died. It can't go on. It's not allowed. But then, in the breath in my other lung, it feels like it's been an eternity. It's been forever since I saw her beautiful face, and had her coming over to eat a BBQ sandwhich (yep, that's what we had for dinner the night before she died. Ironic, huh?), and when she found out there was no slaw for it, had a frozen pizza instead.

It's been a busy month. Both of my kids have had birthdays (JRay's was yesterday-the big 8 now), the visitation, funeral, headstone, Dad accepted the pastor position of a little church in Hartselle that is about a year old, I've been getting things ready for college registration, JRay got his cast off... I could go on. It's like in our hearts, time stopped, but the reality is it didn't. And that angers me. It's supposed to! Doesn't everyone know that they're not allowed to continue their life like nothing has happened? One of the most beautiful mothers/wives/sisters/aunts/everything to everyone has gone Home to be with Jesus. Yes, that's a beautiful thing in itself. It really is, and I take great peace and even sometimes joy in knowing that Momma is face to face with our Savior now. Even though we as Christians know that not even she deserves that, I feel like she does. I mean, she's Momma. Over 27 years, her pedestal has only gotten taller.

Thank you Heavenly Father, for allowing me to spend 27 AMAZING years with the best mother You ever put on this Earth, hands down. I definitely didn't deserve her, and I"ll take the liberty to say that I'm sure my brothers feel the same. Please, God, let her know how much I love her and miss her. And tell her that one day soon (seeing as how time in Heaven is much longer than time down here!) I'll be joining her. Oh, and tell her that now I actually LIKE pandas :) Yep... maybe I'll start doing my house in pandas now :) Purple is quickly becoming my favorite color, also.

1 comment:

jbslee26 said...

Hey Brooke, I know things are hard, and in some ways they don't get easier, some they do, but if you ever need some one to talk to, I am just a phone call away. I know it does not seem like it should be four years since my brother died and yet it seems like it has been forever. His sons were not supposed to grow up without him, but now his youngest two do not even know his name. Just keep your head up and call me antime if you need to, love ya, brandy.

My Crazy Life

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I am a Christian wife and homeschooling mom of two precious boys. I enjoy photography and spending time with my family, along with any other hobby I can manage to dig my nails into. I'm married to PJ, God's precious gift to me ;) I'm honest, passionate, and find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with my Creator each and every day that passes. I was diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic at the age of 10. I chose not to care about my health then, and am paying the price now with multiple complications including kidney damage and neuropathy. I currently reside in Florida, where God led my family in February of 2011, but my heart is, and will forever be, in Alabama.